Knee, Hip Joint Replacement Surgeon in Bikaner


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About JOIN'S & bone


  1. Fully equipped state of art Operation theatre
  2. Laminar airflow in all operations theatres for impeccable infection control.
  3. The highest end (4k) arthroscopy equipment, Camera system with all specialised instrument and equipments.
  4. Equipment for primary and revision artroplasty.
  5. Treatment for degenerative conditions and deformities of spine.
  6. Cashless facility for all operative procedure.High end neuromicroscope for brachial plexus and other complex nerve injuries.
  7. High end neuromicroscope for brachial plexus and other complex nerve injuries.

Joint Replacement

Sports Medicine



Areas Of Orthopaedic Care

Clinic Services

We do our very best to provide top of the line clinic services
that are aimed at improving Patients health.

Knee Replacement

Knee replacement (or knee arthroplasty, if you will) is a surgical procedure that is conducted to help rectify damages to the weight-bearing surfaces in the body There are surfaces


ACL TEAR is the damaged knee ligament or element. The ACL tear connects the condyle to the tibia which is in front of the anterior tibial bone.

Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is a surgical procedure that uses a prosthetic implant to replace a worn-out or defective hip joint.

Shoulder Replacement

With a shoulder replacement procedure, a prosthetic implant is used to replace a faulty part of the glenohumeral joint (or in some cases,