Knee Replacement FAQ’s
Here are some frequently asked questions related to Knee Replacement Surgery, to solve your all queries and concerns regarding this procedure.
In the average case, hip replacement recovery takes two to four weeks, but everyone’s experience is different.” Recovery time depends on a number of factors, including how active you were before your surgery, your age, nutrition, preexisting conditions, and other health and lifestyle factors.
After knee replacement, you can return to most activities within three months, and you are likely to fully recover your maximum strength and endurance within six months to one year.
Knee replacement surgery is major surgery, so it is normally, only recommended after other treatments, such as physiotherapy and steroid injections, have failed to relieve pain or improve mobility.
In general, TKR surgery within the 70 to 80 year age range leads to the best results. In terms of mortality, it would be better to perform TKR when the patients are younger. Thus, from 70 to 80 years of age is the optimal time frame for undergoing a TKR.
Delaying surgery too long can result in an increasing deformity of the knee joint. You may have to compensate for your condition by putting additional strain on other body parts (such as your other knee), as your condition worsens.